samedi 16 février 2013



# grub.conf fictif
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-5)
       root (hd0,1)
       kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-5 ro root=/dev/hda6
       initrd /initrd-2.4.18-5.img

Les étapes du démarrage[modifier]

  • Chargement du noyau Linux.
  • Chargement d'initrd (passé en paramètre au kernel).
  • lancement du script linuxrc qui charge les modules nécessaires pour continuer la séquence de démarrage.
  • Lancement de la tâche init sur le bon périphérique.
Si cela se passe mal, vous aurez le fameux kernel panic.

vmlinuz is a compressed Linux kernel, and it is bootable. Bootable means that it is capable of loading the operating system into memory so that the computer becomes usable and application programs can be run.
vmlinuz should not be confused with vmlinux, which is the kernel in a non-compressed and non-bootable form. vmlinux is generally just an intermediate step to producing vmlinuz.
vmlinuz is located in the /boot directory, which is the directory that contains the files needed to begin booting the system. The file named vmlinuz might be the actual kernel executable itself, or it could be a link to the kernel executable, which might bear a name such as /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-19.8.0 (i.e., the name of the specific version of the kernel). 

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