jeudi 13 octobre 2011



Short for Data Source Name. Data Source Name provides connectivity to a database through an ODBC driver. The DSN contains database name, directory, database driver, UserID, password, and other information. Once you create a DSN for a particular database, you can use the DSN in an application to call information from the database.
There are three types of DSNs:
(1) System DSN -- can be used by anyone who has access to the machine. DSN info is stored in the registry.
(2) User DSN -- created for a specific user. Also stored in the registry.
(3) File DSN -- DSN info is stored in a text file with .DSN extension.
DSN is often used by Active Server Pages (ASP) and Visual Basic programs when a query to a database is necessary to retrieve information.
There is also what is known as a "DSN-less connection." Instead of using a DSN to connect to a database, the developer specifies the necessary information right in the application. With a DSN-less connection the developer is free to use connection standards other than ODBC, such as OLE DB.

Cas de BAse de donné sur resau ou partagé how to do
dans la DSN fo specifier chemin de la base$ reseau

If you are using a Workgroup (System database):
oConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _ 
           "Dbq=c:\somepath\mydb.mdb;" & _
           "SystemDB=c:\somepath\mydb.mdw;", _
           "myUsername", "myPassword"
If want to open up the MDB exclusively
oConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
           "Dbq=c:\somepath\mydb.mdb;" & _
           "Exclusive=1;" & _
           "Uid=admin;" & _
If MDB is located on a Network Share
oConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _
           "Dbq=\\myServer\myShare\myPath\myDb.mdb;" & _
           "Uid=admin;" & _

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